Saturday, July 25, 2009

Letting go of things

As I'm currently packing and trying my hardest to throw away things that I'm not using, I've obviously come across clothing that I bought many moons ago and have kept. Some I've kept because I've genuinely like it, while others I believe are simply sitting in my closet for sentimental reasons. With this move and a fresh start, I plan to rid myself of that baggage (literally and figuratively) and embrace the fact that I'm a different person than I was in college and even than I was 3 years ago. 

I thought I'd post some articles of clothing that I've kept all this time and will be giving away. It's time.

This jacket dates back to my London days when I studied abroad during my 4th year in college. That was definitely a great experience. My friend, Calla, and I would head down to this area known as Deptford Market. It would be open every Wednesday and Saturday. This was all outdoor vendors selling everything from bags to fruit to batteries - you name it. There was one area that was equivalent to an outdoor thrift store that we would always hit up any time we ventured there. Within this vendor's area there was a rummage pile (similar to the 'Dollar a Pound' area at the Garment District.) It was great and I found this jacket for a pound. After I bought it, I wore it EVERYWHERE.

This cute little top I believe I purchased somewhere in America. It was probably Wet Seal or Forever21. I'd wear this on a Saturday night when I'd go out. It's sheer and if you wear a pink tank underneath it really does make for a cute outfit.

This hoodie was purchased at H&M, back when I wanted pretty much everything in the store. These days I enter and find a handful of things that are still appropriate for me to wear. This one, however, was one of my favorite hoodies to wear. I've always loved lots of color, so this was right up my alley.

I loved these shoes! I wanted them since freshman year in high school! (I think I bought them senior year, MAYBE freshman year in college.) They were always super expensive (over $100) for a plain pair and I could never quite swing that, nor could I justify it. (Boy, have things changed!) I never did wear them regularly, but I got them on sale for $40. I'd say I got my money's worth!

I got these shoes in London while I was studying abroad. I just thought these were so cute. I never did get past my love for polka dots, but I probably will not be purchasing more shoes like this in the future. Regardless, they made some of my ensembles that much cuter. I'm glad I had them and romped around London in them.

This is probably the oldest article of clothing I have/had. I got this shirt when I was in TENTH GRADE. Holy crap. I remember because I'd wear this shirt while I was dating a boy named Adam. This probably brings me back the most of all things, because I dressed very different than I do now. I've always dressed FUN, but I wore the wide leg jeans that would hide your sneakers, lots of necklaces (studded, candy, etc.) and basically had a lot of fun with my style. It was really good to let go of this.

My main point is that our clothing says a lot about us. Sometimes we hold onto it because we love it, while other times we just want to hold onto it because we can't actually hold onto the time and place that it was present from our life. 

Holding on to these things may actually cause us to feel stuck more than we realize. Throwing out clothing from another time in our lives can be liberating, and help us to move ourselves forward into the future, as uncomfortable and unfamiliar as it may be.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I remember distinctly when I first began to feel that I was stuck; it was 2 years ago and weather was getting warmer and resembling summer. I knew I wanted to be educated in some arena, but which one? Eventually, I began to fear that my brain was literally turning to mush. I knew my potential and that I was a smart individual, but it just wasn't being used! If this is the spot that you are currently in, I have some recommendations that helped me:


The best thing I could think of to do was to read about topics that had always interested me.
I began reading books on feminism, a little religion and pretty much anything that would remind me that I was more than my job. I had other interests, goals and areas that I wanted to pursue. I actually took quite a few lunch breaks outside and kept to myself while I read. That hour of time in the middle of my day was very important for me to use. My mornings would sometimes be so frustrating, monotonous or boring that I just needed something to completely take my mind out of work mode. This definitely helped me to feel like I had more control over my life and helped me not to feel like this was all my life would amount to: a job that I didn't like. For the love of all that is holy, read read read! Read any topics that interest you, topics you've always thought about or topics you already have as an interest. You may stumble upon a new hobby or better yet, a career!


During the fall of 2007, I signed up for a class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. This is another great tool that can help. It was a class in humorous writing. I can't even begin to describe how great this was for this time in my life. Each week I would go to class, sit with a group of adults and we would share our funny stories in our own writing styles. This was helpful in a few ways:
1. I was using my creativity, which I love to do.
2. It forced me to reflect and remember some of the funniest moments of my life. This definitely put me in a better mood at times.
3. I was surrounded by new people, and listening to their work and critiquing was refreshing.

The class doesn't have to be expensive. If I remember correctly, this class only cost me something like $140.00 for about 9 weeks of classes. Not bad at all!

In the fall of 2008, I took a sewing class. It was fantastic and I learned great new skills. I didn't make any friends, but I now have a hundred new ideas that I can't wait to try out.


In the fall of 2009, one of my co-workers became involved in an independent film. One day she suggested I attend the weeking of filming, if nothing more than to see what it was all about. I decided to take a shot at it.

It turns out that it was a very interesting experience. I met new people and while the film probably won't be hitting the big screen anywhere, I met one of my dearest friends who was key in helping me through this time in my life. His positive words, attitude and ability to just listen to me and help me to see the positive side of things was priceless. I would consider him one of the best people I've ever met and had I not been willing to go to the filming I never would have met him. I'm forever grateful that he is in my life.


This doesn't need to be great big plans, but it could be. Make plans to grab coffee, dinner or ice cream after work with some friends. Even a walk with someone who makes you laugh can be the perfect medicine. This will give you something to look forward to while you're at work, and will help you to forget the mental place you're in. Furthermore, it will bring you back to your core so you can focus on the fact that you're still YOU: you're just stuck in a place that you don't want to be.

Make big plans if you have the means! Plan a weekend away, and explore a city that you've never seen. Not only will this take you out of your physical space of 'stuckness' but it also will help mentally. I've always found (and still feel strongly) that removing yourself from a particular area always helps you to re-focus and see things way more clearly.


This spins off the sewing class that I took. I now have 3 plastic bins full of clothing and fabric scraps that I plan to put to good use. Next month, after everything has calmed down for me and before school starts I plan to do some serious crafting.

Is there a piece of furniture you want to get rid of? Maybe all it needs it a paint job with a new color to spruce things up in your place. Plants some vegetables or flowers you really love outside of your home, or in a pot inside.

Do whatever is the catalyst to get your brain thinking!

Those are my ideas. Feel free to add anything.